Wednesday, 23 September 2009

what is the point of change?

What is the point of change? Is it for yourself? Or for others?

At what point do we change? When we learn our lessons? Or when we act on them?

So... questions i’m wrestling with are…

Why do I sway toward the conclusion of a divine creation/will? Is it childhood teaching; or a force-infomed conclusion, like gravity?

What does a creator mean? Does it require worship? Does it (the creative force) define goodness, or is goodness just goodness before it is defined? In short, is morality prescribed or inherent?

Why do I want there to be a god?? Is it to relinquish responsibility for my existence? Or to have an explaination for it, so that I have free reign to move forward with the question settled??

Does my wish for there to be a rule (or order) to things come from a spirit of self-interest? Do I wish for rules so I can learn/utilise them for my own benefit?


  1. What about pantheism? That's what I am leaning towards in my understanding. If god and us are all part of one big whole, does that affect our relationship with god/rules/order etc if we are part of it? If god is not an imposing force from outside but something within us all does that affect these questions?

  2. Very, very good point. See, this is what this is all about!

    So, if we are, or go on to be, god (or some creative/ordering force) then does that prompt us to be good to each other? Or might that make us less inclined to be good to one another?

    I'm unsure if I'd be humbled by that belief, or prompted to be slightly more grandiose.

    I do respect the idea though - although I think that for me the idea of a separation; whether actual, or just down to a lack of perception, is quite important.

    If I am part of this bigger thing, in any sense other than atomically, then I'd lament the mess of it. Isn't there an argument that a creator, by definition has to be infallible?
